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Showing posts from March, 2017

Lean of Peak flying 101, intro guide for everyone

There is a lot of black box voodoo about LoP flying, it's really simple. I think I can explain in one short email. The key is to first describe one cylinder, than introduce complexity of other cylinders. Standard acronyms WOT wide open throttle FF fuel flow MP manifold pressure For a single cylinder , you have 2 variables to mutate: MP and FF. We will do the test at cruise altitude at WOT, so we are down to 1 variable. We cannot control engine timing, valve timing, nothing else, it is a closed system. There are only 3 sensors to see how we are doing. EGT, CHT, RPM. We will determine 2 parameter using an engine monitor: Fuel flow at peak exhaust temperature Temperature at peak exhaust temperature To find these 2 numbers is easy - either start very rich fuel flow and decrease, watching EGT rise, and note the fuel flow and temp when it peaks and starts to fall. Recall that when fuel flow is rich, excess unburned fuel cools down the combustion