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Showing posts from December, 2016

Universal guide on how to become a super-human rational, fast decision maker.

I'm going to teach you how to become a super-human decision maker, especially in situations of great stress where it's needed the most. Let's start from the beginning. A wise friend who is not only a scholar, but a philosopher, and scientist once came to me and said "I figured it out." "That's great. Figured what out?" I asked half jokingly. "Acceptance. It is the universal answer to everything." This statement seemed pretty silly. "What is this Acceptance  you speak of?" I said half jokingly. "It is the source of happiness, peace, empathy, everything good; and conversely speaking, anxiety, anger, war, hatred, everything bad." he says. Not only did I find this claim absolutely ridiculous; I became bit annoyed. I rejected his theory. He calmly said "Let me explain" and gave an example. You just witnessed a car run a stop sign in front of you. Your internal voice repents: "I CANNOT BELIEVE that